EASYGO-ITN participants receive SPE GeoHackathon 2nd place prize
Posted on 2021/12/18

Andrea Balza Morales and her EASYGO-ITN colleagues Nicolas Rangel Jurado, Esteban Diaz Gomez, Anna Kottsova, Ryan Santoso and Tristan Merbecks received the 2nd place in the 2021 SPE GeoHackathon.
The Geohackathon focused on using machine learning and geothermal modelling methods to successfully create a field development plan for a site in the Netherlands to provide heat to local demand points at a minimum levelized cost of heat over a 20 year period. It started with a three week data science boot camp to train the participants with the project and initial data set. This consisted of well log data and well test data of a few sites. These data were analyzed and then used to build a prospective model and to identify the number of promising sites. The following tasks included optimizing production/injection rates that ensured the required heat and calculating the levelized cost of hear over the full project lifetime.
The EASYGO team submitted their hackathon solution and presented their result online. It was a great learning opportunity and team-building experience. For more information, please watch the online submission].
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