GIM at GeoTag 2023: Andrea Balza Morales wins poster award
Posted on 2023/06/28

Every year, the Division of Earth Sciences and Geography organizes a full day filled with lectures, poster presentations and discussions on a selected geoscientific topic. This year’s GeoTag was dedicated to “Structural change and energy transition” and organized by Prof. Wellmann and his CG³ group. There were a series of invited speakers and interesting talks followed by a poster session, where M.Sc. and Ph.D. students of the division were invited to present their thesis progress and were in the running for a prize for best poster, judged by the attendees. Several GIM members submitted their posters and received valuable feedback on their research.
GIM member Andrea Balza Morales won second place for her poster titled “Structure-based geological-geophysical inversion for the improved characterization of geothermal reservoirs”. The cash prize was provided by the VAG (Vereinigung Aachener Geowissenschaftler e.V.). Our RWTH colleague Sofia Brisson from CG3 was awarded first place. The scientific event was directly followed by the Summer Festival of the ABC/J Geoverbund providing the perfect opportunity for further discussions and celebration of the poster award.
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