EASYGO Training Week 2023 in Volterra, Italy
Posted on 2023/05/26

The 3rd EASYGO training week took place close to the birthplace of geothermal energy at SIAF Volterra, a unique facility of its kind in Italy that offers accommodation, classrooms, recreation areas, etc. in one location in the heart of Tuscany. One of the reasons for the selection of this site was its vicinity to the Larderello geothermal site, which we visited along with the ENEL Valle Secolo Geothermal power plant, the geothermal museum and several natural manifestations of geothermal energy in the region.

In addition to the field trip, company presentations, courses for the early-stage researchers (ESR), poster presentations, and many discussions, the ESRs were asked to give an “elevator pitch” to sell their research idea to potential investors. We are very happy that out of 21 presentations, GIM researchers Hagen Söding and Andrea Balza were awarded for the two best presentations. Our RWTH colleague Ryan Santoso from the group of Prof. Florian Wellmann (CG3) was awarded for his excellent pitch as well.