Ghozy El Fatih

Ghozy El Fatih's profile picture
Ghozy El Fatih
M.Sc. student
Postal address:
B.Sc. Ghozy El Fatih
Geophysical Imaging and Monitoring
RWTH Aachen University
Wüllnerstr. 2 (Bergbaugebäude)
Room: 503
52062 Aachen

Professional experience

Mar. 2023 - Apr. 2023 Numerical modeling of volcanic island internsip at Section 4.7: Earth Surface Process Modelling, GFZ-Potsdam
Apr. 2022 - Oct. 2022 Jr. Geophysicist at Center of Geoscience Study, LST FMIPA UI
2020 - 2022 Teaching assistant at Department of Geoscience, Universitas Indonesia


2022 - present Applied Geosciences (M.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen University
2017 - 2021 Geophysics (B.Sc.) at Universitas Indonesia
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